K-12 Daily Lesson Log preparation is part of our K-12 This part, teachers can reflect in students’ performance and their teachingĮffectiveness. Log contains a reflection part, placed at the bottom of the DLL’s. Teaching-learning process in the classrooms. Meant to address teachers’ needs in organizing and managing The teaching and learning process in public schools. Guidelines to institutionalize instructional planning as a critical part of Basically, Daily Lesson Logs (DLL’s) are guides for our K-12 Daily Lesson Logs (DLL’S) are useful and vital resource of 2022 or the Guidelines on the Progressive Expansion of Face to FaceĬlasses, Weekly Learning Plan is an outline of home-based activities andĬlassroom-based activities that guides both teachers and learners in theĪttainment of instructional objectives/Most Essential Leaming Competencies